Dear Ron, We are the couple renting Talahogan for the month of February and wanted to let you know how much we are enjoying your home—the birds, wildlife, and, of course, the views. A major highlight this morning was a bobcat that strolled through the patio area and looked into the window; that was a huge treat. Six deer strolled through the back yard several mornings back, which was another great treat. Also, a couple of days ago the javelinas were back, about 7 of them, and this time there were two new babies about the size of a cottontail rabbit. That too was a treat as well as all the birds (quail, scrub jays, cardinals, hummingbirds, towhee's, etc.). As you might guess, we are enjoying your home a lot and very happy to be here. I had to make a quick trip to Honolulu for a one day meeting last week. Normally going to HNL is a joy, but not when having to leave the Talahogan!!! All your written information is very informative and helpful; thanks for putting it together.
-Jim and Pam Goetz, Seattle, Washington